Vidwan-ID : 502116

Dr Trinley Paldon

Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)
Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship



Qualification : MBA, Ph.D Dr. Trinley Paldon is an MBA graduate with a specialization in Finance and has been awarded Ph.D. from Madras University in the year 2016. She has both administration and academic experience. Before joining XIME, she was working as an Undersecretary at Central Tibetan Administration (Tibetan Government in Exile) in the Department of Finance where she has worked closely with then Tibetan Finance Minister Honorable Tsering Dhundup and consultants like PriceWaterhouseCo

Personal Information

Dr Trinley Paldon

Xavier Institute Of Management, 2nd main Road, Phase 2, Electronic City, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Bangalore Rural, Karnataka, India - 560100


  • Assistant Professor (Senior Grade)

    Department of Management Studies

    Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship