Scholarly Resources

Publications 122
Closed Access
  • Journal Articles81
  • Conference / In Proceedings8
  • Books / Chapters6
  • Other27

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Top ten Profiles

Dr Praveen S V Assistant Professor
Dr B Ashok Associate Professor
Dr N M K  Bhatta Professor
Dr Prof.G Devakumar Professor
Dr N M K  Bhatta Professor
Dr Mercia Selva Malar Justin Associate Professor
Dr B Ashok Associate Professor
Dr Prof.G Devakumar Professor
Dr Praveen S V Assistant Professor
Dr Lucas M Assistant Professor - Senior Scale
Dr Muthukumar Thuraisamy Professor
Dr Christopher Rajkumar Swamy Chellappa Assistant Professor - Senior Scale
Dr Manase Prabu F Librarian
Dr Santosh Kumar Pattanayak Professor


Development of a reliable and flexible supply chai...

Author: Vishnu C.R.;Das S.P.;Sridharan R.;Ram Kumar P.N.;Narahari N.S.

Revolutionizing supply chain management the theory...

Author: Modi, Kartik;Lowalekar, Harshal;Bhatta, N. M.K.

Work from Home During the Pandemic: The Impact of ...

Author: Systla Patanjali ., N. M. K. Bhatta .,

Modeling the barriers to multistakeholder collabor...

Author: Akenroye T.O.;Abubakre A.;Elbaz J.;Vishnu C.R.;Beka Be Nguema J.N.;Rana G.;Ihua U.B.;Kalili H.;Falode O.